Tuesday 15 June 2010


As there's so much of it at the moment, it seems appropriate to write a blog about it.

So first of all, the people that are constantly blowing those horns throughout the whole match ruin my quality of life. If i happened to be sat near the guy, i would have to kill him.

Secondly, England are not going to win, but it's nice to be patriotic isnt it.

Thirdly, i know im not the only one to mistake a replay for a second goal.

Fourthly(?), i also know im not the only one to wait for others to cheer around me before i do - due to past mistakes. Such as mistaking a replay for a second goal or the ball looking as if it's gone in the net but really it's gone to the side which everyone else seems to know except me and my eyes.

Fifthly, as i watch a match i am constantly aware that i am female and will be judged by men as being a tomboy, lesbian or wag so must seem as femininely intellectual at all times to avoid such labels.

Come On England!

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