Friday 30 July 2010

Chicken or Egg?

I am going to settle this argument once and for all.


It's like saying what came first the foetus or the human? A person did not just suddenly appear in his/her mid 30's on the earth. It wasn't a click of the fingers and a person appeared. Things have to grow somwhere, eggs and sperm, all that jazz. So the egg was obviously first, then it grew into a chicken.

'Oh, well where did the egg come from?' you may ask: probably a similar animal to the chicken. It just evolved into the chicken. What came first the ape or the human? The human evolved over time, just like the chicken would of. Come to think of it, the whole question 'what came first, the chicken or the egg?' is wrong. It's not taking the theory of evolution into account at all. Which has lead me to believe the saying was around before Charles Darwin.

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