Sunday 3 October 2010

Before the internet

It's hard to imagine what life would be like without internet, especially now that we are completely reliant on it. In school, the closest we got to typing in random key words and recieving information was Encarta.

Microsofts Digital Multimedia Encyclopedia. Enacarta even exists now!

If the Internet was to suddenly disappear i wonder what the back-up plan would be. Would we go back to Encarta, start using Libraries? I think that i'd struggle most with no e-mailing or google images. Not only does the Internet save me money - less stamps, but it also saves me huge amounts of time! I don't need to walk to letterboxes every day or flick through thousands of books looking for images.

This is a toast to the intenet!

(i've never had to spell toast before but i can assure you that this is the correct spelling)

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